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Cortana on windows 10 -Cortana - Your personal productivity assistant
Select Voice activation permissions. Turn off Let Cortana respond to "Cortana" keyword. For most users, disabling Cortana's ability to automatically respond to a voice command or a keyboard shortcut is enough. This will prevent Cortana from ever activating accidentally, but it won't affect your search experience, and everything will continue to operate as normal.
Cortana is heavily integrated into the Windows 10 search functionality, so fully disabling it may impact your user experience. After you've created a system restore point, and you're absolutely sure you want to disable Cortana permanently, then you will need to open the Registry Editor :.
Disabling Cortana via the Windows Registry Editor is often irreversible unless you performing a clean install of Windows Right-click the Windows icon and select Run to open the command prompt.
Type regedit and press Enter. Name the new folder Windows Search. Name the new file AllowCortana. Double-click the AllowCortana file to open it, set the value to 0 , then select OK. Close the Registry Editor and restart your computer. While Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Enterprise users can disable Cortana through the Registry Editor, they have another option that's a little safer.
To turn off Cortana using the Group Policy Editor:. Before using the Registry Editor or Group Policy Editor methods, consider setting up a system restore point. Your system may become unstable or even fail to boot if you make a mistake. Select Disabled , then select OK. Close the Group Policy Editor and restart your computer. If you want to turn on Cortana in the future, follow the steps above, but set the Allow Cortana setting to Enabled.
If you change your mind about disabling Cortana, or if something goes wrong, the easiest way to turn Cortana back on is to use a system restore point. You can also try going back into the Registry Editor and deleting the AllowCortana file you created. Some users have privacy concerns about Cortana and Microsoft keeping track of their search histories and habits in the cloud. Completely disabling Cortana is one way to deal with this concern, or you can turn off each setting that allows Cortana to record and store information about you:.
Your organization must have an Azure AD tenant and your employees' devices must all be Azure AD-joined for the best Cortana experience. Users may also sign into Cortana with a Microsoft account, but won't be able to use their enterprise email or calendar. Cortana's approach to integration with Microsoft has changed with Windows 10, version and later.
Cortana enterprise services that can be accessed using Azure AD through Cortana meet the same enterprise-level privacy, security, and compliance promises as reflected in the Online Services Terms OST.
To learn more, see Cortana in Microsoft The wake word has been re-enabled in the latest version of Cortana in Windows. If you're on Windows 10, version , be sure that you've updated to build For earlier builds, you can still click on the microphone button to use your voice with Cortana. Cortana only begins listening for commands or queries when the wake word is detected, or the microphone button has been selected. First, the user must enable the wake word from within Cortana settings.
Once it has been enabled, a component of Windows called the Windows Multiple Voice Assistant platform will start listening for the wake word. No audio is processed by speech recognition unless two local wake word detectors and a server-side one agree with high confidence that the wake word was heard.
The first decision is made by the Windows Multiple Voice Assistant platform using hardware optionally included in the user's PC for power savings. If the wake word is detected, Windows will show a microphone icon in the system tray indicating an assistant app is listening. At that point, the Cortana app will receive the audio, run a second, more accurate wake word detector, and optionally send it to a Microsoft cloud service where a third wake word detector will confirm.
If the service doesn't confirm that the activation was valid, the audio will be discarded and deleted from any further processing or server logs. To use it, first make Firefox your default web browser, then install Foxtana Pro in Firefox, and use the same instructions outlined for Chrometana Pro for Chrome.
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